Manx Grand Prix Infoline


Brand new for 2024, you can keep up-to-date with the latest schedule and event information by following the 'MGP Infoline’ WhatsApp broadcast channel.

By following the 'MGP Infoline’ channel you’ll receive real-time updates via WhatsApp that will provide you with the latest qualifying and race schedules, road closure information as well as other general event information.

The broadcast is a one-way communication channel. It has been introduced to service you with improved accessibility to information and enable efficient communication throughout the duration of the event, as well as year-round.

Click here to follow the MGP Infoline.


  • Click here to follow the MGP Infoline on WhatsApp
  • Get the latest qualifying and race schedule
  • Receive Road closure information
  • Plus you’ll receive general event information about the Manx Grand Prix