Mylchreests Group Senior Manx Grand Prix Winner - Daniel Ingham


Having finished in second and third in the previous two years, Daniel Ingham claimed victory in Monday afternoon’s Mylchreests Group Senior Manx Grand Prix race. The Melton Mowbray rider taking a start to finish win over Chris Cook by 35.394 seconds with Sam Johnson completing the podium finishers in third.

Getting underway at 3.45pm, Ingham (Castings Technology Yamaha) grabbed the lead in the early stages, his lead over Johnson (Ron Soar/Dynamic Access Suzuki) through Glen Helen on the opening lap 5.5 seconds. Jacque Foley (TPS/JF76 Yamaha) was a further 1.9 seconds back in third as Julien Cregniot (Team ILR Yamaha), Cook (Kawasaki) and newcomer Johnny Stewart (Stewart Racing Kawasaki) slotted into fourth to sixth, less than two seconds covering the four riders.  One of the pre-race favourites, Maurizio Bottalico, was already out though having retired at Greeba Bridge.

Favourite to win, Dan Ingham took the top podium spot

Cook moved up to second at Ballaugh Bridge, but all the time Ingham was pulling away and round Ramsey Hairpin for the first time, his lead over Cook stood at an ominous-looking 15.2 seconds. Johnson was still well in touch in third, only 2.3 seconds behind Cook. Foley was now fourth ahead of Cregniot and Michael Gahan (Newline Elite Group Yamaha), Stewart dropping back to seventh.

An opening lap of 118.762mph saw Ingham stretch his lead over Cook (116.408mph) to a commanding 23.13 seconds with the latter now ten seconds clear of Johnson (115.416mph). Cregniot (115.802mph) moved up to fourth, 1.6 seconds ahead of Gahan (114.924mph) and Foley (114.776mph), just three seconds covering the three riders.

Cook held a comfortable second place throught out

Gerald Dath (DATH Road Race) was now seventh with Stewart eighth as Dan Sayle, who started at the back of the field, slotted into a fine ninth place on the Falcon Electrical Yamaha ahead of Liam Chawke (Chawkie Racing Supporters Club Kawasaki).

By Glen Helen on the second and final lap, Ingham stretched his lead over Cook to 24.8 seconds with third-placed Johnson now a further 11.8 seconds adrift in third. Cregniot was beginning to edge away from Gahan, the gap now 4.6 seconds, with Foley another three seconds back in sixth.

Ingham continued to extend his lead through all the timing points, and it moved out to more than half a minute at Ramsey Hairpin, 31.68 seconds to be precise, with Cook also looking more and more secure in second, his advantage over Johnson 12.15 seconds with just the Mountain climb and descent to come.

Johnson was another first-timer on the podium

Continuing to press on at the head of the field, a final lap of 118.868mph gave Ingham his maiden Manx GP success with his eventual winning margin over Cook, who lapped at 117.606mph to claim his first MGP podium, 35.394 seconds. Johnson (116.895mph) was another first-timer on the podium in third.

Frenchman Cregniot (116.763mph) finished in a fine fourth ahead of Gahan (115.429mph) with newcomer Stewart (115.852mph) taking an excellent sixth place. Dath, Foley, Lancelot Unissart (Basomba Racing Yamaha) and Ryan Whitehall (WR Racing Yamaha) completed the top ten.